My favourite Squarespace Font Pairings

Choosing the right font pairings for your site can greatly enhance its aesthetic and readability.

Here are some of my favourite font pairings on Squarespace.

Playfair Display & Josefin Sans

Proxima Nova & Merriweather

Montserrat & Cardo

Raleway & Roboto

Bitter & Source Sans Pro

Libre Baskerville & Nunito Sans

When pairing fonts, aim for contrast yet harmony: typically a serif with a sans-serif, or a bold type with a lighter one. Make sure the fonts you choose align with your brand's identity and enhance the readability of your content. Squarespace allows you to easily test and adjust font pairings in the design panel, so you can see how different combinations look on your site.

Decorative fonts can add a unique flair to your Squarespace website, making your headings, logos, or special sections stand out. By integrating these decorative fonts thoughtfully, you can add personality and distinction to your Squarespace site, making it more engaging and visually appealing.


How to Add Custom Fonts to Your Squarespace Site


Empowering Small Businesses: Why I Choose Squarespace as My Go-To Platform for Web Design